Gut Hastalığı İçin En İyi Tedavi Nedir?

Different rheumatic conditions can cause pain, discomfort, and inability to live a normal life. You can treat gout with this all-natural supplement: Gut Tedavisi

What is Gout? Who can get it?

Gout is a condition that results from the accumulation of microscopic uric acids crystals in the joints. Gout can be up to four times more common in males that in females. Gout can develop from childhood to old age. However, it is most common in men between the ages 35 and 50. Gout can also be caused by obesity, high blood pressure, taking certain drugs, or eating a high-purine diet (organ meats and seafood, red meat, alcohol). In this channel you can learn more about Gout: Gut Hastalığına Evde Çözüm

Gut Hastalığı Nedenleri

Normal conditions will see the intake of uric acid through diet and biochemical reactions equal to the amount that is excreted through urine. But, if the amount of uric acids ingested exceeds that excreted, it can accumulate, pass into the bloodstream, and form crystals in the joints.

Effects and Symptoms

Gout can manifest itself as sudden, intense pain and swelling in affected joints. These episodes can be repeated often and, sometimes, the affected joints (feet, ankles and knees) may become inflamed. There are many home remedies to combat gout: Home Remedies For Gout

The disease can spread to other joints and cause severe disability if it is not treated. In advanced stages, the disease can manifest as tophi, which is a hardening of nodules. Gout is not only a problem for the musculoskeletal and skeletal systems, but can also cause kidney colic.

Gout Treatment, Diagnosis and Prevention

The health professional will also ask about the patient’s symptoms and perform a physical exam. A blood test is required to determine if hyperuricemia has occurred (uric acid levels greater than 7 mg/dl are considered hyperuricemia). Fluid from the joint will also need to be extracted to verify for crystals. By following a specific diet you can also fight gout: Gut Diyeti

Physical Therapy is a great option for Treatment

This is why physiotherapy for gout treatment will concentrate on relieving symptoms and avoiding sequelae. Here are some of the methods that can help you achieve this:

  • Mobilizations active and passive
  • Cryotherapy.
  • To stimulate the muscular level with electrotherapy
  • Moderate and gentle exercise.
  • Stretching.
  • Soft massages and self-massage.
  • Manual therapy.

Gout prevention is important. It is important to keep in mind that gout is caused by poor diet. Avoiding too many of these foods is a good idea. It is important to avoid the risk factors associated with gout and to exercise regularly and moderately. Learn more about the symptoms of gout here: Gut Belirtileri