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Most men will have to deal daily with erectile dysfunction at some point in their lives. Erectile dysfunction does not necessarily mean that you need to get cured. Sometimes, a few lapses in your ability to conceive are not very serious. However, erectile dysfunction can have both physical and psychological effects, so it is important to consider all possible causes.

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What is Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction can also be called erectile dysfunction. In other words, in more than two thirds of cases, a man cannot achieve or maintain sufficient erection for a future sexual act. The man’s penis is not strong enough or firm enough to permit a satisfying act. If these problems last more than six months, however, it is not a sign of a decline in male strength due to disease. You may experience smaller interruptions as a result of ageing, but they are not always indicative of an erectile dysfunction. The best part may fail from time to time, but that does not necessarily mean that therapy must be used. It is important to keep track of the number and severity of “erection problems” in your body, and to record them if they occur. This will provide an overview to the attending physician and help to document the decline in potency.

How do I identify Erectile Dysfunction

It is easy to recognize erectile dysfunction. Many men panic when erections are not possible in repeated instances or when they stop spontaneously. There are many causes of such phenomena. It is important to remain calm and monitor the long-term effects. A long-term observation is essential for any medical diagnosis. Without it, a qualified diagnosis and the appropriate treatment are impossible. There are many causes of erectile dysfunction. These must be identified before any treatment can begin.

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What causes Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction can have many causes. More than 70% of cases are due to persistent and ongoing erectile dysfunction. The disease of penile musculature or disturbed blood circulation are the most common clinical signs. This can lead to arteriosclerosis (i.e. Calcification of the arteries. This is when too little blood reaches penis and makes it impossible to erection firmly. It can also happen, however, that blood flows back too fast through the veins, preventing a long-lasting erection. Both symptoms can be present simultaneously in many cases, which further complicates the problem for those affected.

Other diseases can trigger circulatory disorders, which can lead to erectile dysfunction. A possible testosterone deficiency could also be a possible cause of erectile problems. Most men experience a significant decrease in testosterone, the male sex hormone. Recent studies have shown that hormone levels can have a significant impact on the strength and power of erection. To rule out erectile dysfunction and other causes of erection problems, it is important to check the testosterone levels in all cases.

Erectile dysfunction can also be caused by side effects of medications. Erection problems can be caused by diuretic drugs, beta-blockers for high blood pressure, drugs for depression, and lipid-lowering medications. This is often found in the insert to the prescription medication. It is worth consulting your physician if there are any concerns about erection problems. If this happens, you may want to switch medications.

Blood flow is not the only factor that affects male sexual potential. The nerves and their pathways play an important part in male sexual power. Erectile dysfunction can be caused by damage to nerve pathways, neuropathies, and injuries to the discs. Factors such as alcohol abuse or other diseases of the central nervous systems can also have a significant and permanent impact on the function of erections.

Although psychological triggers of erectile dysfunction are also common, they are usually secondary. Erectile dysfunction can be caused by both psychological and physical triggers. Fear of failure or suffering can quickly make a mild disorder more severe. Erectile dysfunction can be caused by stress, anxiety disorders, depression, and conflicts.

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Other Diseases can cause Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction can be caused by a variety of primary diseases, as we have already mentioned. Potency problems can be triggered by side effects of drugs, as well as other serious or less serious conditions. Erectile dysfunction is a warning sign. It can be a warning sign that you have a serious vascular disease. Arteriosclerosis can be treated by a doctor if it is diagnosed early. After such treatment, erectile dysfunction often disappears completely.

Erectile dysfunction can also be a symptom of other diseases. Potency problems can also be caused by diseases that affect the peripheral nervous systems, such as diabetes mellitus. Additional triggers can also be applied to any diseases that affect the central nerve system. Erectile dysfunction is often associated with diseases like multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s dementia, stroke, and multiple sclerosis.


Erectile dysfunction can be treated in a variety of ways, depending on what triggers it. If erectile dysfunction is caused by side effects of medication, the treating doctor can often resort to alternative medications. This is only possible in rare cases. It can then be difficult to treat erectile dysfunction without compromising the treatment or worsening the primary condition.

If the cause is psychological and not physical, a suitable medication and accompanying therapy are often crucial. In these cases, it is possible to restore erectile function. Medicine tries to treat erectile dysfunction by finding the cause. This isn’t possible for all conditions and all symptoms. Erectile dysfunction can be treated with various therapeutic and medication approaches. This is a way to treat the symptoms, not the cause, so that men can experience their newfound power and get rid of erectile dysfunction.

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